Formation of Network Model of a public policy in Ukraine
Kateryna Kononova (
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Svobody sq., 4, 61077, Kharkiv,
New technologies and scholarship have expanded access to the information worldwide. That has created new markets, new kinds of business, new logistics networks and new methods of business dealing. The base of such systems is information-communication technologies (ICT) and the intellectual capital, instead of raw materials and processing industry.
“The Information Economy Report” published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) says that ICT is the general technology universally impacting the economy. It introduces new ideology in economic activities, essentially changing the approach to technology usage for development.
The problems of the information society have been discussed since the middle of 1990th at the conferences organized by the Council of Europe, the European Commission, UNESCO and many other international organizations. Within these programs the governments have started to use ICT for increasing of efficiency and quality of its services. Such initiatives have received the name «Electronic government» (E-Government). World experience has shown that using e-government gives the citizens and business access to high-quality state services and simultaneously reduces cost of these services. Nowadays there is a motion in principles of using ICT in the administration which is expressed in transition from the concept of e-government to connected governance. While the focus of former is openness of the government information and granting of public on-line services, the new understanding includes cooperation, participation and coordination.
A number of laws which promoted formation and development of the information society has been accepted in Ukraine since 1998. The first steps from the e-government to e-governance have been undertaken in 2009. As a result, today more than 30 % of authorities in Ukraine have their own sites.
However, E-Government Readiness Report shows that in 2010 Ukraine occupies only 54 place in the world rating of e-government development. Dynamics of the E-Government Index indicates the worsening of the Ukraine positions in a world rating (fall from 41 to 54). These negative tendencies are caused first of all by an unsatisfactory level of development authorities web sites. Their content hasn’t improved for years. In the same time, most of developed countries successfully solved problems of exposing the right information and offering interactive services, so now there is an active deployment of e-governance mechanisms.
Analysis based on the e-government indicators of dynamics on 192 countries of the world for 2003-2010 and carried out using Kohonen’s neural networks has allowed to allocate 5 stages of introduction of the ICT in activity of authorities. It has shown that Ukraine is put into group of the countries with a high level of the human capital, middle levels of information granting and infrastructure developments and low level of interactivity and е-governance. Not the last reason for this is the limits of expenses for the e-government. Besides, this situation activated by absence of internal motivation of burocracy, and partly – the loss of peoples' trust to the governmental structures and no interest to political process.
Information-Communication Technologies, E-Government, Neural Networks.
C45 O38
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